HabitatA place or type of site where an organism or population or community naturally occurs.
Habitat degradationThe diminishment of habitat quality, which results in a reduced ability to support flora and fauna species. Human activities leading to habitat degradation include polluting activities and the introduction of invasive species.
Habitat degradationThe diminishment of habitat quality, which results in a reduced ability to support flora and fauna species. Human activities leading to habitat degradation include polluting activities and the introduction of invasive species.
Habitat fragmentationFragmentation of habitats occur when a continuous has become divided into separate, often isolated small patches interspersed with other habitats. Habitat fragmentation stems from geological processes that slowly alter the lay out of the physical environment or human activities such as land clearing, housing, urban development and construction of roads or other infrastructure. Fragmentation of habitats is expected to lead to losses of species diversity in the longer term.
Habitat lossThe outcome of a process of land use change in which a ‘natural’; habitat-type is removed and replaced by another habitat-type, such as converting natural areas to production sites. In such process, flora and fauna species that previously used the site are displaced or destroyed. Generally this results in a reduction of biodiversity.
Happy SeederThis technology combines stubbles, mulching and seed drilling functions in one machine. Apart from benefits like proper mulching of paddy residue instead of burning, timely sowing, reducing runoff, soil erosion, lesser deep percolation and improving soil health by incorporating plant nutrients
Whole forage plants which are cut and dried for
animal feed.
Forage ensiled at relatively low moisture
content (usually 40 to 50 %).
Hazardous wasteWaste that poses a risk to human health or the environment and needs to
be handled and disposed of carefully. Examples include oil-based paints,
car batteries, weed killers, bleach and waste electrical and electronic
HemocoelThe hemolymph-filled space or body cavity of some invertebrates.
HemoglobinThe oxygen-carrying pigment in red blood cells.
HemolymphThe fluid that is circulated through the body of an animal with an open circulatory system.
HemophiliaA trait in which the blood lacks a protein that is essential for clotting.
HepaticPortal circulation the system of blood movement through the digestive tract and liver.
HerbA flowering, vascular seed plant that lacks a woody stem; a plant part used to add flavor to food.
Herbaceous PlantAn annual plant that is nonwoody.
HerbicideAny agent used to control weeds and unwanted plants
HerbivoreA consumer that eats primary producers.
HerbivoresMacroorganisms that eat plants. Includes insect and beetle larva, grub, mouse, slug, snail, termite, woodchuck.
HeredityThe transmission of traits from parents to their offspring.
HeterotrophLiterally, "eats others." An organism that must consume other organisms to fuel its metabolism. Animals, including humans, are heterotrophs. Heterotrophic, adj.
HindgutThe colon and rectum of some invertebrates.
HingeJoint allows movement back and forth like a hinged door, as in the elbow.
HistamineA kind of cytokine that causes an inflammatory response to an injury resulting in redness, swelling, warmth, and pain.
HistoneA protein molecule that DNA wraps around during chromosome formation.
HoldfastThe part of an algal thallus that anchors it to a substrate.
HomeoboxA specific DNA sequence within a homeotic gene that regulates patterns of development.
HomeostasisThe stable internal conditions of a living thing.
Homeotic GeneA gene that controls the development of a specific adult structure.
HominidA subgroup of primates that includes modern humans and their bipedal ancestors.
HomologousFeatures similar features that originated in a shared ancestor.
Homologous ChromosomeOne of a pair of morphologically similar chromosomes.
HomosporyA phenomenon in which all spores look alike and produce similar gametophytes.
HomozygousReferring to a gene pair in which the two alleles code for the same trait.
HookwormA parasitic roundworm that feeds on its host’s blood by cutting into the intestinal wall.
HormoneA chemical secreted by an endocrine gland that specifically influences the activity of distant cells.
HorticultureThe branch of agricultural science which deals with production , utilization and improvement of fruits, vegetables, flowers or ornamental plants
HotspotAn area on earth with an unusual concentration of species, many of which are often endemic to the area.
Human chorionic gonadotropinA hormone secreted by the placenta that stimulates the corpus luteum.
Human Genome ProjectWorldwide scientific collaboration to determine the nucleotide sequence of the entire human genome.
Human immunodeficiency virusThe virus that causes AIDS.
Humoral immune responseAn arm of the immune response that involves mainly B cells and antibodies.
Huntington’s diseaseA human genetic disorder caused by a dominant allele resulting in involuntary movements, mental deterioration, and eventual death.
Hydrogen BondA weak chemical bond between the hydrogen atom in one molecule and a negatively-charged region of another molecule.
Hydrologic cycleBiogeochemical cycle that collects, purifies, and distributes the earth's fixed supply of water, from the environment to living organisms and then back to the environment.
HydrolysisThe splitting of a molecule through reaction with water.
HydrophilicReferring to the molecular attraction to water.
HydrophobicReferring to the molecular repulsion of water.
HydrosphereThe earth's liquid water (oceans, lakes other bodies of surface water, and underground water), the earth's frozen water (polar ice caps, floating ice caps, and ice in soil known as permafrost), and small amounts of water vapor in the atmosphere.
HypertensionHigh blood pressure
HyperthyroidismOverproduction of thyroid hormones.
HypertonicDescribing a solution whose solute concentration is higher than that inside a cell.
HyphaThe vegetative filament of a fungus.
HypocotylA stemlike area in plants between the cotyledons and radicle
HypoglycemiaOverproduction of insulin.
HypothesisA statement that can be tested experimentally.
HypothyroidismThyroid hormone deficiency.
HypotonicDescribing a solution whose solute concentration is lower than that inside a cell.