Taxon (pl. taxa)

The named classification unit (eg Homo sapiens, Hominidae, or Mammalia) to which individuals, or sets of species, are assigned. Higher taxa are those above the species level.


The classification of animals and plants based upon natural relationships.


A layer of organic matter that begins to grow between the base of a plant and the soil. Usually discussed as a problem with lawns as dead roots and stems accumulate. Proponents of the organic philosophy say that in an organic program where soil has achieved a healthy balance, microorganisms are present to feed on mulched grass clippings and prevent thatch. However, if long grass (generally meaning growth of more than a week) is cut and mulched, there may be an excess of clippings which is too great for the existing population of microbes to handle in a timely way. Use your own judgement in determining how much is too much, then remove excess clippings from the yard and put them into the compost bin. Clippings of any length that are wet or matted should be removed from the lawn and placed in the compost bin.


Thermophilic bacteria

 This group of bacteria species work to break down organic matter under "hot" conditions of 104 degrees up to 170 degrees. This type of bacteria can perform the greatest decomposition in the shortest amount of time.


Thermophilic bacteria

This group of bacteria species work to break down organic matter under "hot" conditions of 104 degrees up to 170 degrees. This type of bacteria can perform the greatest decomposition in the shortest amount of time.


Organisms which function within a temperature range of 45°C to 80°C.

ThermopilicOrganisms which function within a temperature range of 45°C to 80°C.


Threatened species

Wild species that is still abundant in its natural range but is likely to become endangered within the foreseeable future because of a decline in numbers.


The use of mechanized means to loosen soil and improve growing conditions for crops


 Tilth is land which has been prepared for growing crops by plowing and fertilization. In discussions of composting and organic gardening, the phrase "the tilth of the soil" is often used to describe the general health of the soil including a balance of nutrients, water, and air.


Abbreviation for the texas natural resource conservation commission.


Top soil

The upper most layer of soil that contains large amount of organic matter.

Total Cropped Area

It includes total area covered with crops during the year. In case different crops are raised on the same land during the year, the same area is counted more than ones.


Poisonous or harmful to the body (ecotoxic relates to damage to the environment).


A poisonous substance that can either be natural (produced by plants, animals or bacteria) or manufactured. 


Traditional agriculture

The agriculture based on traditional practices such as crop rotation, use of animal manure instead of chemical fertilizers.

Transmissible disease

A disease that is caused by living organisms (such as bacteria, viruses, and parasitic worms) and that can spread from one person to another by air, water, food, body fluids (or in some cases by insects or other organisms).

Trophic level

Position in the food chain, determined by the number of energy-transfer steps to that level.


This is the technique used to aerate compost windrows. Carried out either by a front-end loader or by windrow turner, the material is lifted into the air and dropped back forming a new pile. This process also released trapped heat and moisture, and ensures complete mixture of the feedstock.