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EIACP Centre : Punjab
Status of Environment & Related Issues
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Punjab State Council for Science & Technology, Chandigarh
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Ministry of Environment, Forests & Climate Change, Govt of India
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Last Updated On: 27/11/2024
World Environment Protection Day 2024 (JPG, 336 KB)
World Migratory Bird Day 2024 (JPG, 171 KB)
World Ozone Day 2024 (JPG, 469 KB)
1st National Space Day 2024 (JPG, 507 KB)
World Elephant Day (JPG, 463 KB)
World Nature Conservation Day (JPG, 396 KB)
Infographics on World Environment Day 2024 (JPG, 270 KB)
World Environment Day 2024 (PNG, 600 KB)
Earth Day 2024 (JPG, 550 KB)
World Sparrow Day (03, 373 KB)
World Wetlands Day (GIF, 361 KB)
Youth Parliament Debate (JPG, 412 KB)
Mission LiFE (JPG, 2134 KB)
Mission LiFE 2023 (JPG, 2540 KB)
Regional Evaluation Workshop (JPG, 303 KB)
Save Planet for Humanity (JPG, 251 KB)
World Earth Day (JPG, 187 KB)
Effects of Global Warming (JPG, 3019 KB)
Mission LiFE - Save Water (JPG, 1363 KB)
Mission LiFE - Save Energy (JPG, 1228 KB)
Mission LiFE - Reduced use of Single Use Plastics (JPG, 1372 KB)
Mission LiFE - Adopt Sustainable Food System (JPG, 1393 KB)
World Environment Day 2023 (JPG, 1015 KB)
Say No To Single Use Plastic (JPG, 2711 KB)
Comprehensive Poster on Mission LiFE (JPG, 134 KB)
International Biodiversity Day 2023 (JPG, 1272 KB)
Single Use Plastic Banned items w.e.f. July 1st 2022 (JPG, 997 KB)
International Biodiversity Day 2022 (JPG, 668 KB)
World Migratory Bird Day, 14 May, 2022 (JPG, 425 KB)
World Earth Day 2022 (JPG, 690 KB)
World Health Day 2022 (JPG, 251 KB)
World Wildlife Day 2022 (JPG, 133 KB)
National Pollution Prevention Day 2021 (JPG, 236 KB)
Single Use Plastic (PDF, 3705 KB)
World Ozone Day 2021: Montreal Protocol - Keeping us, our food and vaccines cool” (JPG, 241 KB)
International Day of Clean Air: Clean Air for All (JPG, 254 KB)
International Day of Clean Air: Healthy Air, Healthy Planet (JPG, 250 KB)
World Honey Bee Day 2021 (JPG, 153 KB)
World Honey Bee Day 2021: The Honey Bee is the only insect that produces food eaten by man (JPG, 216 KB)
Independence Day 2021: Salute To Our Nation (JPG, 240 KB)
Independence Day 2021: May Our Country Soar To Greater Heights (JPG, 109 KB)
Independence Day 2021: Freedom Is The Atmosphere In Which Humanity Thrives and Breathes In (JPG, 163 KB)
Independence Day 2021 (JPG, 240 KB)
World Elephant Day 2021: Time to save loved and cutest animals (JPG, 407 KB)
World Elephant Day 2021: Save Elephants (JPG, 358 KB)
World Lion Day 2021 (JPG, 404 KB)
World Lion Day 2021: Majestic Lion Signifies Courage, Strength and Power (JPG, 96 KB)
International Tiger Day 2021: E-Poster About Tigers Life (JPG, 248 KB)
International Tiger Day 2021: Theme- Their Survivals is in our hands (JPG, 326 KB)
Van Mahotsav 2021: History (JPG, 128 KB)
World Wind Day 2021 (JPG, 105 KB)
World Day to Combat Desertification 2021: United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) (JPG, 144 KB)
World Day to Combat Desertification 2021 Theme: Restoration, Land and Recovery (JPG, 294 KB)
World Ocean Day 2021 (JPG, 125 KB)
World Ocean Day 2021 Theme: Life and Livelihoods (JPG, 122 KB)
World Ocean Day: UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (JPG, 139 KB)
Ecosystem Restoration poster (JPG, 201 KB)
World Environment Day 2021: Ecosystem Restoration (JPG, 90 KB)
World Environment Day 2021: Reimagine, Recreate and Restore (JPG, 144 KB)
World Turtle Day (JPG, 257 KB)
World Earth Day: Restore our Earth by Innovative thinking (JPG, 88 KB)
World Earth Day 2021: Restore our Earth (JPG, 79 KB)
World Bee Day (JPG, 89 KB)
International Polar Bear Day: End Global Warming (JPG, 162 KB)
International Polar Bear Day: Protect Arctic Life and Polar Bears Home (JPG, 132 KB)
World Wetland Day (JPG, 298 KB)
Spatio-Temporal Forest Cover Monitoring (JPG, 118 KB)
Grid Based Decision Support System 2019-20 (PDF, 665 KB)
Handout: Green Skill Development Programme, Punjab (JPG, 1163 KB)
Spatio- temporal forest cover monitoring and mapping of extreme rainfall events (PDF, 1879 KB)
Creative 4 (JPG, 69 KB)
Creative 3 (JPG, 60 KB)
Creative 2 (JPG, 45 KB)
Creative 1 (JPG, 29 KB)
Keshopur space Miani Wetland (PDF, 145 KB)
SAS Nagar at glance using Remote Sensing and GIS (JPG, 133 KB)
Leaflets 2 (GSDP) (PDF, 89 KB)
Leaflets 1 (GSDP) (PDF, 90 KB)
Lets Protect Environment (PDF, 171 KB)
Go Green (PDF, 180 KB)
Spatio temporal forest cover monitoring and maping of extreme rainfall events (PDF, 94 KB)
Grid Based Decision Support System 2018-19 (JPG, 90 KB)
World Wildlife Day 2021: Forests and livelihoods (JPG, 194 KB)
Swachhata Pakhwada (JPG, 194 KB)
District Level Vulnerability Assessment of Punjab (PDF, 315 KB)
Domesticated and Wild Biodiversity of Punjab (JPG, 356 KB)
World Environment Day (JPG, 496 KB)
International Day of Action for Rivers (JPG, 190 KB)
International Tiger Day 2020 (JPG, 70 KB)
Earth Day 2020: Lets make each day Earth day (JPG, 66 KB)
World Water Day (JPG, 360 KB)
International Day of Forests (JPG, 974 KB)
World Sparrow Day (JPG, 375 KB)
World Wildlife Day 2021 (JPG, 40 KB)
Threatened Floral and Faunal Species of Punjab (JPG, 432 KB)
Swachhta Pakhwada 2020 (JPG, 441 KB)
Let Us Protect Against COVID 19? (JPG, 197 KB)
Hand Hygiene Day (JPG, 57 KB)
World Wetland Day (PDF, 2267 KB)
Green skill Development Programme (GSDP)-ENVIS (PDF, 231 KB)
Van Mahotsava 2020 (JPG, 385 KB)
International Day for Biological Diversity (JPG, 131 KB)
World Wildlife Day (JPG, 790 KB)
World Environment Day (JPG, 556 KB)
Earth Day 2020 (PDF, 242 KB)
Lets Conserve Water (JPG, 191 KB)
World Environment Day 2019: Beat Air Pollution (PDF, 952 KB)
Earth Day Celebration 2019 (JPG, 229 KB)
Energy Conservation (JPG, 69 KB)
Conserve Water (JPG, 60 KB)
Creative 5: Plant A Tree (JPG, 52 KB)
Explore Raptors (JPG, 90 KB)
State Birds of India (JPG, 183 KB)
Applications of Solar Energy (JPG, 178 KB)
Swachh Bharat Abhiyan (JPG, 944 KB)
Pictorial Map of District Rupnagar, Punjab (JPG, 647 KB)
Reduce Your Plastic Footprint (JPG, 992 KB)
Solid Waste Management Strategies (JPG, 886 KB)
Let Us Save Environment (JPG, 998 KB)
Towards Sustainability (JPG, 886 KB)
Newsletters 2011-12 to 2015-16 (JPG, 346 KB)
Newsletters 2003-04 to 2006-07 (JPG, 337 KB)
Action Towards Sustainability (JPG, 1701 KB)
Air Purifying Indoor Plants (JPG, 1500 KB)
Protected Area Network of Punjab (JPG, 1243 KB)
Biodiversity (JPG, 2125 KB)
Wetlands of Punjab (JPG, 1902 KB)
Water Resources of Punjab (JPG, 607 KB)
Popular Ornamental Flowers (JPG, 578 KB)
Indus River Dolphin (Platanista gangetica minor) (JPG, 173 KB)
Invasive Alien Plant Species in Punjab (JPG, 301 KB)
Birds of Harike Wetland (PDF, 44 KB)
Harike Wetland (PDF, 38 KB)
World Environment Day 2014 (PDF, 50 KB)
Important Birds of Kanjli Wetland (PDF, 33 KB)
Kanjli Wetland (PDF, 37 KB)
Sacred Plants Grown in Formation (PDF, 907 KB)
Protected Area Network of Punjab (JPG, 914 KB)
RCE - Chandigarh (PDF, 172 KB)
ENVIS Gallery (PDF, 298 KB)
Nangal Wetland (PDF, 667 KB)
State Animals and Birds of India (JPG, 122 KB)
Biodiversity of Keshopur Miani Wetland (JPG, 188 KB)
Wetlands of Punjab (JPG, 192 KB)
Protected Areas of Punjab (JPG, 118 KB)
National & State Symbols (JPG, 236 KB)
Observing Clouds (JPG, 162 KB)
Punjab Envis Center (JPG, 216 KB)