Energy Scenario in Punjab
Last Updated On: 21/09/2021
The total installed capacity of the state of Punjab as on 31st January, 2021 is 14376 MW. This includes central share of 4215 MW. The main source of energy generation in the State is from thermal power plants (7025 MW), Hydro (1531 MW) and renewable energy (1605 MW) sources like solar & biomass (Source-CEA, The per capita consumption of electricity in the State has increased from near 1527 kWh in 2009-10 to 2171 kWh in 2019-20 (Source-CEA, The agriculture sector is the third largest consumer of electricity in the State trailing domestic & industrial sectors.
According to the Punjab State Power Corporation Limited (PSPCL), the electricity generation in the state has increased by 20% (i.e. from 47640 MU in 2014-15 to 57141 MU in 2019-20) . Out of the total energy of 48845 MU supplied by PSPCL in 2019-20, industry has consumed 18270 MU (37%), General (mainly domestic) has consumed 17408 MUs (35%,) , Agriculture 11538 MUs (23.6%) and the others 396 MUs ( 0.8%).
The State has taken initiatives in the area of energy conservation. It has reduced its transmission and distribution losses from 20.12% to 13.68% during 2010-2020. Further, world’s largest single rooftop solar power plant of 11.5 MW capacity has been installed at Radha Swami Satsang, Beas, Amritsar in Punjab. The total installed capacity of solar plants is 19.5 MW producing more than 150 lakh units of electricity annually.