Eight National Missions: State Objectives and Targets
Last Updated On: 07/04/2021
Punjab has drafted the strategies for addressing the concerns of climate change through Mission Based Approach which is in line with the eight Missions of the National Action Plan on Climate Change. The summary of the state Mission objectives vis a vis the eight national missions as under:
Missions | National Objective | State Objectives and Targets |
Water Mission | Water conservation and river basin management | The state aims to undertake an integrated approach for conservation and management of its water resources, improve water use efficiency, control water pollution, minimize wastage and ensure equitable distribution of water across the state by addressing the impacts of climate change on water resources. |
Sustainable Agriculture Mission | Develop agriculture plans at agro-climatic zone level, Link research with practice to maximize productivity, Encourage innovation, Promote dry land agriculture, Risk Management through insurance, enhance livelihood opportunities, seek convergence with other missions | Usher in 2nd green revolution through sustainable management of agricultural practice, and hence ensure food security in a changing climate scenario. Approach to include crop diversification, efficient resource utilization, appropriate use of technologies and inputs from new research. Promote power generation from agricultural residue. |
Green India Mission | 20 million ha area to be afforested/ eco-restored by 2020. | Increase green cover in the state to 15% of the area of the state by 2022, enhance plantation in degraded forests and increase the incomes generated from ecosystem services provided by the forests. |
Sustainable Himalayan Mission | Conservation, adaptation, glacier monitoring | Conserve flora, fauna, wetlands, along with agriculture and forest biodiversity to sustain the Shivalik Ecosystem. |
Sustainable Habitats Mission | Efficient buildings, transport system and Solid Waste Management | The state aims to develop policies and strategies that enable the habitats to adapt to climate change concerns. Identify and implement strategies in urban areas to reduce enhanced heat island effect and sustainably manage municipal solid waste and transport. |
Solar Mission | 20,000 MW by 2022 | Increase the solar energy mix by at least 2000 MW by 2022. |
Mission on Enhanced Energy Efficiency | 10,000 MW savings by 2012 | To achieve 3-7% energy efficiency improvement in large energy consumers designated by BEE and 15-20% in SME sector. |
Mission on Strategic Knowledge | Vulnerability assessment, Research and Data management, knowledge sharing | The Punjab Mission on Strategic Knowledge aims to build a greater understanding of the climate change processes, its implications on various sectors, and vulnerabilities associated with the same to enable it to sustainably adapt to climate change and mitigate drivers of climate change. |
Source: State Action Plan on Climate Change, 2014