Punjab State Council for Science & Technology has established the Punjab State Climate Change Knowledge Centre (PSCCKC) in the state under National Mission on Strategic Knowledge for Climate Change (NMSKCC) with support from the Department of Science & Technology, Government of India (DST, GOI).  DST, GOI has provided financial assistance of Rs. 2.58 crores for this Centre to take up activities as identified under State Action Plan on Climate Change in coordination with various line departments. Major objectives of the PSCCKC are to address challenges and implications of climate change with focus on climate sensitive and vulnerable sectors in short and long term scenarios and to take state specific adaptation and mitigation initiatives including vulnerability and risk assessment. The PSCCKC shall articulate and act as a functional knowledge centre, catering to the information and knowledge needs of policy makers, scientific community and general public on climate change issues through tailor made outreach programs. The PSCCKC shall serve for:

  • Building on the existing knowledge to further develop deeper understanding about the key climate change issues, processes and the anthropogenic drivers. 
  • Creating Climate Change Information Bank and Strengthening Knowledge Network.
  • Documentation and dissemination of strategic Climate Change knowledge.
  • Undertaking/promoting Research and Development of new and innovative Climate friendly technologies in collaboration with research institutes and universities.
  • Technology identification and pilot scale demonstration & extension.
  • Capacity building of various stakeholders and institutions.
  • Development of target specific resource material including educational multi-media CDs and video films.
  • Managing and interpreting data and information and to address Intellectual Property Rights Issues.
  • Undertake climate change related vulnerability and risk assessment.
  • Developing knowledge networks among the existing knowledge institutions engaged in research and development relating to climate science and facilitate data sharing and exchange.
  • Complementing the efforts under other national missions, strengthen indigenous capacity for the development of appropriate technologies for responding to climate change through adaptation and mitigation and promote their utilization by the Government and societies for sustainable growth of economies.

Initiatives on Climate Change

1.    State Action Plan on Climate Change (SAPCC)

  • SAPCC 1.0 , 2014 prepared covering 8 Missions – Solar, Enhanced Energy Efficiency, Sustainable Habitat, Water, Sustaining the Himalayan Ecosystem, Green India, Sustainable Agriculture and Strategic Knowledge.
  • SAPCC 2.0 , 2021-30 (under preparation)

2.    Facilitated climate adaptation projects

  • Climate Resilient Livestock Production System
  • Climate Resilience Building among Farmers through Crop Residue Management
  • Setting up of first of its kind briquetting unit for ex-situ management of paddy straw

3.    Capacity Building of stakeholders