After extending health insurance cover to 5.01 lakh farmers last year, the government has decided to bring another 3.5 lakh farmers and their families under its ambit in line with the “Ayushman Bharat Sarbat Sehat Bima Yojana” for 2021-22.

All farmers having “J-forms” and “sugarcane weighment slips” would be eligible for this health scheme. To help farmers apply for the scheme, the Mandi Board has launched a dedicated portal for the first time. Now, farmers need not visit market committee office to apply manually, as was the case earlier. They can apply on the Mandi Board’s portal$largeimg_1874779568.jpg

Punjab Mandi Board Chairman Lal Singh said the Mandi Board would pay the entire premium for the insurance cover of all farmers, who will get cashless treatment facility up to Rs 5 lakh per annum. He further said all these farmers and their families would now be covered with effect from August 20.

He said 5.01 lakh farmers were covered under the health insurance scheme last year. Now, the number has reached nearly 8.5 lakh — 7.91 lakh farmers having “J-forms” registered with the Mandi Board and 55,000 cane growers.

The Chairman also said these 5.01 lakh farmers, who had already been registered under Sarbat Sehat Bima Yojana last year, need not reapply on the portal as they would be extended the benefit for next year based on past documents, but remaining nearly 3.5 lakh farmers registered as “J-form” holders and “sugarcane weighment slips” after October 1, 2020, would have to apply on the portal to avail of the insurance.

Mandi Board Secretary Ravi Bhagat said the eligible farmers could apply online to avail the health facilities from empanelled hospitals from August 20. He said any further information could be sought from toll free no. 104 or visit

These farmers can approach any of the 642 empanelled private hospitals and 208 government hospitals for treatment of up to Rs 5 lakh for 1,579 diseases, including major surgical treatments such as heart surgery, cancer treatment, joint replacement and accident cases, under the scheme.