SUBJECT :Health 

Keeping in mind the harmful effects of stubble burning on a child’s lungs, the state Health Department has begun training doctors about its hazards. These doctors will then sensitise farmers on the issue. There has been a high incidence of respiratory problems and lung infection among children in rural areas these days. Dr Bhavneet Bharati, a senior paediatrician in PGIMER, Chandigarh, said doctors needed to educate farmers about the ill-effects of stubble burning. She was addressing the medical officers of six districts in Baba Farid University of Health Sciences (BFUHS) in a programme of the state Health Department. Dr Raj Bahadur, Vice Chancellor, BFUHS, said it was important to sensitise people in rural areas about the causes of respiratory problems. In this workshop, the doctors were given detailed information about many diseases.


Source: 11 May, 2015, The Tribune