All new brick kilns to get licence to operate in the state only if they shift to the new technology that costs around Rs 15 lakh, says PPCB chairman.

To check pollution from the 3,000-odd brick-kilns that continue to use archaic technology in operations, the Punjab Pollution Control Board (PPCB) has issued a guideline to owners to adopt zero air-pollution technology. Now, the primary fuel for making bricks is burning raw coal.

The kilns in the state function from October to June and the black smoke these emit is a common, distressing scene in the state.

The Punjab State Council for Science & Technology (PSCST) has developed the new technology that around 100 of the brick kilns have committed to install over the next three months. Under this system — the Induced Draft Technology — there will be a major change in the sitting of raw bricks in the well of the kiln.

PPCB sources said a preliminary meeting had been held with brick kiln associations, where scientists from PSCST had explained the technology. The brick kiln owners were by and large satisfied with the new technology but sought more time to implement. 

PPCB chairman KS Pannu said, “The new technique is cost effective. The brick kiln owner has to Rs 15-20 lakh. This is recovered very quickly due to lower consumption of coal and production of better quality bricks. All new brick kilns will be given permission to operate only if they install this technology. This move is meant to help brick-kiln owners.”

Source: August 01, 2017, Hindustan Times