River basin is the portion of land drained by a river and its
tributaries. It encompasses all of the land surface dissected and
drained by many streams and creeks that flow downhill into one
another, and eventually into one river. The final destination is
an estuary or an ocean. As a bathtub catches all the water that
falls within its sides, a river basin sends all the water falling
on the surrounding land into a central river and out to the sea.
Depending upon basin area Indian rivers have been divided into
three categories:
Categories of Indian River Basins
River Basin
Equal to or more than 20,000
Between 2000 to 20,000
Less than 2000
Source: Central Pollution Control Board,
Major Basins
Out of
13 Major river basins, three are international and ten are
interstate. The three international basins; the Ganga, the
Brahamputra, the Indus have snow –fed rivers originating in the
Himalayas whereas the interstate basins have rivers originating
either in Central India or peninsular regions. Following is the
distribution of river basins among the States:
1. Maharastsra has five river basins
2. Karnataka, Gujarat and Rajasthan has four each
3. Andhra Pradesh, Bihar and Orissa three each
4. Haryana two
West Bengal, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Assam,
Sikkim, Arunanchal Pradesh, Nagaland, Uttar Pradesh, Punjab,
Delhi, Jammu & Kashmir and Himachal Pradesh one each.
For detailed Database on major river basin
click here
the Ganga is only the third longest river flowing through
India(Indus & Brahamputra are the longest)yet the Ganga River
basin, is largest in India, occupying approximately 25 percent
of the nation's area. It is bounded by the Himalayas in the north
and the Vindhya Range in the south. The Ganga has its source in
the glaciers of the Greater Himalayas, which form the frontier
between India and Tibet in northwestern Uttar Pradesh. In the
northern part of the Ganga River basin, practically all of the
tributaries of the Ganga are perennial streams. However, in the
southern part, located in the states of Rajasthan and Madhya
Pradesh, many of the tributaries are seasonal. The Ganga, the
Yamuna, the Ghagra, Gantak & Kosi are the main constituents of the
Ganga river basin.
The Second largest river basin is that of
Godavari and the third is being the Krishna basin. The Mahanadi
transverse through this basin. The Narbada, Tapti & the Pennar
basins are smaller though they have immense agricultural
Medium Basins
Medium river basins occupy 8% of total basin area and about 119940
million cubic water flows through them. Out of forty-five Medium
river basins, four are international and eleven are interstate. A
total of seventeen rivers having a combined basin area of 63500
square kilometers join the Arabian Sea, while other 24 having a
combined basin area of 210596 square kilometers fall in the Bay of
Bengal. Rest four rivers originate in India and ultimately cross
the national boundary.
For detailed database on Medium Basins
click here
Minor Basins
The total area of minor basins is 9% of total basin area of Indian
rivers while runoff is 127 MCM.There are fifty-five Minor river
basins having a combined basin area of about 2 lakh square
kilometers. Most of them originate from Eastern and Western Ghats.
In addition to these there are few desert rivers too, which flow
for some distance and get lost in the deserts.
Ground Water potential of Basins in the
Graph 1 represents comparison between total available
replenishable ground water and ground water balance left in the
basins for exploitation after being used for irrigation,
industrial, domestic & other uses.It has been reported that Ganga
basin possesses maximum amount of 170.99 cubic km/year of total
available replenishable ground water & 96.37 cubic km/year is left
for exploitation. Further, Subarnrekha basin possess minimum
amount of of 1.82 cubic km/year of total available replenishable
ground water & only 1.4 cubic km/year is the balance of ground
water available for exploitation/future use.
Graph 1: Total available replenishable
ground water and ground water balance left in the basins for
Source: Data from Ministry of Water Resources.
Graph No. 2: The average annual runoff and
utilizable flow of rivers
Source: State of India's Environment, CSE,
The data indicates that the Ganga river
basin has maximum value of estimated utilizable flow of surface
water i.e.50% approximately out of the average annual runoff of
501.643 cu Km (which is second largest among the listed river
basins in the graph 2 ) whereas the the Brahamputra with the
largest average annual runoff of 537.067 cu.Km contributes only 4%
of utilizable flow of surface water. Also it shows that the river
Sabarmati with minimum average annual runoff of 3.812 cu.Km also
contributes 50% of its runoff towards utilizable flow.
issues or the problems related to quality & quantity of water
within the river basins are the result of prevailing climatic and
hydrological conditions alongwith with demographics In spite of
high average annual rainfall factors like higher mean
temperatures, high evaporation rates, and the seasonal nature of
major rivers contribute to various problems in primary river
basins in the country.
The quantity & quality of water in the river
basin also varies, as they are spread all over the country. Their
natural state has been disturbed due to factors like
industrialization, urbanization and population growth. The flow of
almost all the major rivers is restricted due to construction of
barrages, dams and reservoirs. This affects mean annual flow and
increased quantity of water in a river at a particular time
Restricted rainfall of three months in most parts of the country
leads to drying of rain-fed rivers during summer & late winters
and ultimately lower stream density & water scarcity as an
emerging constraint. On the other hand this period of monsoon is
also cause of floods and accumulation of sand, silt & other
materials & hence siltation. Siltation rate in India is among the
highest in the world. Indian rivers contribute 35% of the
sediments to the world ocean water as compared to water flowing
through the rivers of the world which is 5% only .It has been
estimated that about 135 thousand million metric-tones of sediment
load and 32 thousand million tones of soluble matter enter into
ocean through various rivers in our country which is 90% of the
total solid waste going into the ocean & causing pollution.
Pollution is also one of the major problems
associated with the river basins within India. e.g. The Ganga
river basin being the largest in length and basin area (approx.
34.39% of the total basin area of all the major basins) contains
many highly populated cities in it. The discharge of pollutants
from domestic & municipal sources (80%) and industrial effluents
(20%) from these cities gets accumulated due to very less flow in
summer & this deteriorate the quality of the Holy Ganga water
Immediate actions are required to have balance between population
growth & the water capacity of the hydrological basins to satisfy
the water demand. This requires a proper river basin management
system to have sustainable water availability. This could be
achieved by proper planning, management & operations in river
basin framework.